We are working tirelessly to perfect the Scanning app for Breggz™, so that it seamlessly integrates with virtually all iPhones and Android phones. The new scanning method requires special algorithms and promises a very good user experience. The website and configurator are already prepared on the backend to be linked.
On November 29, 2023, we will organize our 'Breggz™ pre launch event', specifically for our Investors and Ambassadors. Here, we will present the long-awaited Breggz™ #1 and take you into the world of the website, configurator, and apps. This time, the 'BREGGZ PRE LAUNCH EVENT' will also open its doors to new potential Investors. So feel free to register interested individuals. You can register yourself (and any guests) via info@breggz.com. The exact start time and location (in the vicinity of Amsterdam) will be communicated soon via a separate email. We look forward to seeing you there!
We werken met man en macht aan het perfectioneren van de Scanapp voor Breggz™, zodat deze naadloos samenwerkt met vrijwel alle iPhones en Android-telefoons. De nieuwe scanmethode vereist speciale algoritmen, en belooft een hele goede gebruikerservaring. De website en configurator staan aan de achterkant al klaar om gekoppeld te worden.
We are working tirelessly to perfect the Scanning app for Breggz™, so that it seamlessly integrates with virtually all iPhones and Android phones. The new scanning method requires special algorithms and promises a very good user experience. The website and configurator are already prepared on the backend to be linked.
On November 29, 2023, we will organize our 'Breggz™ pre launch event', specifically for our Investors and Ambassadors. Here, we will present the long-awaited Breggz™ #1 and take you into the world of the website, configurator, and apps. This time, the 'BREGGZ PRE LAUNCH EVENT' will also open its doors to new potential Investors. So feel free to register interested individuals. You can register yourself (and any guests) via info@breggz.com. The exact start time and location (in the vicinity of Amsterdam) will be communicated soon via a separate email. We look forward to seeing you there!
We werken met man en macht aan het perfectioneren van de Scanapp voor Breggz™, zodat deze naadloos samenwerkt met vrijwel alle iPhones en Android-telefoons. De nieuwe scanmethode vereist speciale algoritmen, en belooft een hele goede gebruikerservaring. De website en configurator staan aan de achterkant al klaar om gekoppeld te worden.